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image depicting 7-year-old environmentalist fights plastic waste in school

7-year-old starts campaign to stop plastic waste in school


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Fighting plastic waste

Currently, countries of the United Nations are attending the COP26 climate change summit in Scotland. This is the biggest and most important climate-related conference on the planet.

A seven-year-old boy named Callum Isted, from Scotland has been invited to attend the climate change summit.

Although he is only 7 years old, Callum is quite an environmentalist. He is running a campaign to help all the primary school children in Scotland to have a reusable bottle and access to taps for drinking water at school.

Earlier, Callum’s school used to give them single-use bottles with lunch on Fridays. The children would throw away the bottles after use, creating plastic waste. But now, they have steel bottles they can reuse. This is thanks to Callum who raised almost US$2000 dollars to buy steel bottles for all pupils at his school.

Callum Isted

Callum was one of the winners of Education Scotland’s Learning for Sustainability Youth Awards last month. There, he was invited to the COP26 Green Zone at Glasgow Science Centre.

Callum has also sent a petition (letter) to the Scottish Parliament, to promote reusable bottles for school children.

There are more than 2005 state primary schools in Scotland with about 394,000 pupils. So, hopefully, Callum’s campaign against plastic waste will reach them all.

Moreover, the Scottish government plans to move away from a “throw-away” economy by 2045.


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