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Image depicting A Treasure Hunt in Outer Space!

A Treasure Hunt in Outer Space!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hello there, young adventurer! Are you ready to explore one of the wildest exoplanets ever found in the Milky Way? Well, hold on tight because scientists have just discovered something really rare and amazing!

Important Details

  • The scientists found a rare earth metal called terbium swirling around in clouds of vaporized metal in the atmosphere of KELT-9b – one of the most extreme planets in the galaxy! This is the first time ever that terbium has been found on a distant world, which makes it a really big deal.
  • And that’s not all, they also detected other elements like vanadium, barium, strontium, and nickel which suggest that something very strange is going on with KELT-9b. Maybe aliens are having a giant party up there, who knows!
  • So, what exactly are rare earth metals? Well, they are elements that are not actually rare on Earth, but they are hard to find in concentrated forms that can be easily mined. Terbium, for example, is used in TV screens, lasers, and even nuclear reactors! Who knew that such a small thing could have such a big impact?
  • In conclusion, this discovery is a really big deal and who knows what other secrets are hidden in the vastness of space. Maybe one day, you too can become a space explorer and discover something amazing!

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Watch a video

This video shows how KELT-9 b goes through one full year.

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