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Image depicting Aatmanirbhar BrahMos missile!

Aatmanirbhar BrahMos missile!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, hold onto your hats because we have some exciting news from the high seas! The Indian Navy has done something really cool and fired a missile called BrahMos.

But wait, what’s BrahMos? Well, BrahMos is not your ordinary missile. It’s a supersonic cruise missile that can fly really, really fast. I’m talking about speeds almost three times faster than the speed of sound! Can you imagine that? It’s like zooming through the sky in a flash!

Now, don’t think BrahMos is just your regular missile. Oh no, it’s way cooler than that! This missile can be launched from submarines, ships, airplanes, and even the ground.

It’s like a superhero missile that can go anywhere it wants. No wonder they call it “Supersonic”! Recently, the Indian Navy had a big test in the Arabian Sea, and guess what? The missile passed with flying colors! Woohoo!

Important Details

  • Let’s get into the nitty-gritty details, shall we? The BrahMos missile is extra special because it was designed with an indigenous seeker and booster. But what does that mean? Well, the booster is like a rocket engine that makes the missile go super fast. It’s like giving it a turbo boost! And the seeker is like a smart brain inside the missile that guides it to its target. It’s like having a super-smart GPS!

  • You know what’s even cooler? This missile is not just about showing off India’s superpowers. It’s also about being self-reliant and independent. That’s right, India is all about Aatmanirbharta (self-reliance), even in defense. They’re selling these BrahMos missiles to other countries too, like the Philippines. It’s like sharing the superpower love with other friends!

  • The Indian Navy is no stranger to BrahMos. They have at least seven different types of ships that have these awesome anti-ship missiles. And guess what? The Indian Army gets to use them too! Experts say that the BrahMos missile is like a superhero with many powers. It can take down radar stations, ships, and even targets on land. And you know what? It’s really hard to find and stop because it’s like a sneaky ninja with a small radar cross-section. Impressive, right?

  • So there you have it, readers! The Indian Navy has done something amazing by firing the BrahMos missile. It’s like they’re saying, “We’re strong, we’re independent, and we’re here to protect!” With missiles like BrahMos, they’re ready to defend their country and spread some awesomeness around the world. Keep rocking, Indian Navy!

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