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Image depicting Asiatic Lion

An Asiatic lion gets cataract surgery done!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Asiatic lion goes through cataract surgery! A five-year-old  Asiatic lion in the western Indian state of Gujarat is recovering after the cataract surgery on his eyes.

What is cataract surgery?

A cataract surgery is a lens replacement surgery in which eye’s natural lens is replaced with a plastic lens.

Important Details

  • The Asiatic lion lived in the Gir forest. The forest officials noticed that something was wrong with the lion as he stopped responding even when the prey was near to him.
  • The officials took him to the rescue centre and get the lion examined. It was revealed that the lion had mature cataracts in both his eyes.
  • Cataract surgery is performed on smaller animals such as dogs. But to do it on the lion, the doctors had to do research.
  • The doctors read the research papers and also spoke to the experts. They studied an eye sample of a dead lion to understand the structure of the eyes. The lion is now recovering and will be soon released back into the forest, his home.

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