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Image depicting Artificial light pollution leads to insect loss

Artificial light pollution leads to insect loss


Recommended for Middle Grades

A new study says that light pollution may contribute to the fall in the population of insects. They also state that the LED street lights are even worse.

What is light pollution?

Light pollution is excessive, unwanted, and inappropriate artificial light.

A recent UK study stated that artificial lights changed the behaviour of moths and other insects. And it has reduced caterpillars to half of its population.

The scientists said that the changes in the climate, habitat loss, the use of pesticides (chemicals) and river and lake pollution have impacted the insect population. These are the changes that affect humans too. Moreover, the usage of artificial lights at night time affects the process of how insects eat and breed too.


The only solution to save the insects is to reduce these negative influences that affect them.  The scientists suggest that dimming the night lights in the early morning hours, fitting motion sensors (so that they switch on only when there is movement) and using colour filters can help reduce light pollution. We can come up with nature-friendly lighting designs. And hence save insects

While most of us do not pay attention to insects, they provide many useful services to mankind. They keep pest insects in check, help in agriculture, and clean up waste so that the world doesn’t become overrun with dung.


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