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Assam Government Sets Teachers Dress Code!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Fashion Alert: Assam’s Academic Runway Takes a Turn!

Once Upon a Wardrobe Time…

In the magical land of Assam, known for its enchanting tea gardens and unique traditions, there was a recent stir. Not about dragons or unicorns but something equally captivating – clothes!

The What’s and Why’s

The rulers of this land – let’s call them “The State Government” – had a lightbulb moment. They said, “Hey! We think our teachers should dress a bit differently.” So, they issued a dress code for teachers in higher educational institutes. Imagine a fashion designer telling models what to wear on a runway, but for teachers!

They said no more jeans, T-shirts, and leggings. Now, if you’re wondering why, it’s like telling you not to wear pajamas to a birthday party. Looks comfy, but maybe not the best choice.

The State Government explained that some of these outfits might not be a hit with the audience – the public. A bit like presenting a chocolate cake at a fruit festival. Some folks would love it, but others might wonder why it’s there!

The Sartorial Suggestions

For the gents, the government said, “Why not wear a formal shirt and trousers? Or if you’re feeling extra Assamese, a dhoti-pyjama!” It’s a bit like choosing between a superhero costume or a knight’s armor for a play.

And the ladies? They’ve been given some trendy style notes. “How about a graceful saree or mekhela-chador? Or a decent salwar suit?” It’s akin to asking whether you’d like to dress as a princess or a fairy.

Oh, and both kings and queens of the classroom were gently reminded: no flashy colors, please. Think of it as coloring within the lines in your drawing book, not going all Picasso with rainbows everywhere.

The Deep Dive

The idea behind this fashion revamp? To make teachers shine as role models. After all, they are the superheroes in the world of academia. And every superhero needs a perfect costume, right?

Mixed Reviews from the Fashion Critics

But every fashion show has its critics. Some applauded the government’s classic touch. They’re the ones who love the timeless Cinderella look.

Others, however, scratched their heads and said, “Hang on! What do you mean by decent or indecent clothes? And if they’re so ‘indecent’, why even sell them?” It’s like asking why we can’t have ice-cream for breakfast if it’s still being sold in the morning!

Interestingly, this isn’t the State’s debut fashion show. They had released a similar dress code for school teachers earlier in May.

Wrapping it Up with a Bow (or a Belt)

So, there you have it, readers! Assam’s teachers are getting a wardrobe makeover. Whether you’re team “Tradition Triumphs” or team “Freedom to Fashion”, one thing’s for sure – school just became a lot more stylish!

Remember, it’s not just about the clothes. It’s about the super amazing, talented souls wearing them. And in the end, it’s all in good spirit and respect for the learning sanctuary, our beloved school!

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