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Asteroid could hit Earth in 2068, but there is no need to panic.


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Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the Sun, much smaller than planets. An asteroid could hit earth in 2068. Let’s learn more about it.

Asteroids are also called minor planets. There are currently over 100,000 asteroids in our solar system.

Out of these, there are more than 10,000 Near-Earth Asteroids (NEA). These are asteroids that have orbits that pass close by the Earth.

Scientists are always keeping a check on any asteroid close to Earth and whether they pose any danger. If a large asteroid could hit Earth, we will know in advance thanks to technology.

Asteroid 99942 Apophis is an NEA. Its orbit could possibly clash with Earth in 2068.

Apophis was discovered in 2004. It is a 370-metre-long rocky blob. It is on NASA’s Sentry list – a list of asteroids we should be keeping an eye on.

While the risk is very less, if Apophis hits, an asteroid that size would cause a blast larger than an atomic bomb.

So what can we do to prepare if the impact happens?

Apophis will also fly by Earth in April 2029 but during that time, there is no risk of it hitting Earth.

However, during that time, it will fly very close by. This will give scientists a significant opportunity to study Apophis in high detail.

So, with 2029 in mind, the Lunar and Planetary Institute in the US held a virtual workshop to start preparing for the event.

We could send a spacecraft to study it or study it using telescopes on Earth. Either way, its 2029 flyby could help us be prepared for 2068.

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