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image depicting Astronaut captures amazing view of Earth's green auroras, curious times

Astronaut captures amazing view of Earth’s green auroras


Recommended for Foundational Grades


What are auroras or polar lights?

Auroras or polar lights are natural events where you can see green, red, yellow or white light in the sky. And they are caused by disturbances of solar winds in Earth’s atmosphere.

Auroras are very beautiful and you can see them if you go near the north or south pole. But, as you can imagine, they would be even more amazing to see from space.

Recently, the Sun has been quite active and has been throwing out a lot of solar winds. This has led to a lot of aurora action. And the astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are really enjoying the view.

They have captured beautiful photos of it. And you can see one above. European astronaut Thomas Pesquet captured this photo. He says that not only is it beautiful but it is also a reminder of our planet’s connection to our star (the Sun), a bringer of life and light.

Have you ever seen an aurora? Tell us about it on Me – My Expressions on Curious Times.


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