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Billions Smile with YouTube Shorts!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Wow! Picture this, readers: every month, over two billion people, all logged in, are watching funny little videos on YouTube. That’s more than the number of people in China, the United States, and Brazil combined!

YouTube Shorts Revolution

  • YouTube is so happy about this, they told everyone about it on Tuesday. These videos, called “Shorts,” are like tiny TV shows, except they’re on YouTube and you can watch them whenever you want! They’re becoming super popular, just like the mini-movies you see on TikTok and other apps.
  • YouTube’s super excited about all this and wants to make it even more fun for people making these Shorts. So, they’re giving creators, like your favorite YouTubers, some cool new toys to play with.
  • What are these toys, you ask? Well, there’s a new “Collab” feature that lets creators make Shorts together with other videos. They also have cool new stickers and effects that can be used to make videos more fun.
  • There’s a new live experience that’s perfect for your phone, tips for making videos faster, a way to save these Shorts to playlists like your favorite songs, and a tool to make normal videos into Shorts!
  • All these new tools are YouTube’s way of joining the short video fun, just like TikTok and Meta’s Reels! Can’t wait to see what new funnies your favorite YouTubers will make with these!

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