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Image depicting Biodegradable bags and organic wax to protect mangoes!

Biodegradable bags and organic wax to protect mangoes!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Farmers have been forced to go the extra mile to save the fruit that people look forward to during the summer. The main reason is because of recent rains and official warnings that this year’s mango harvest will be less than normal. Thus, Karnataka Mango Farmers use biodegradable bags and organic wax to protect mangoes.

Weather forecast raising farmers’ concerns!

Weather Officials have said that mango yields may go down, and the fruit may not be ready for a long time. Thus Karnataka mango farmers have come up with a new plan to protect their mangoes in the face of this situation.
The farmers have started to cover their mangoes to protect them.

Organic wax-coated biodegradable bags are being used to cover mangoes in Karnataka to keep insects and birds away from their crops and to stop fungal infections and decay.

Common Practice in Asia!

South and Southeast Asians are said to do this all the time, but it’s more common in the mango plantations of Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra, as per experts. Some mango growers in some districts have chosen to use their own custom-made bags to protect their fruit from the changing weather and the fear of crop loss.

Key benefits of this practice as per the farmers!

  • A few farmers in the state have said that they want to keep their fruit safe from pests.
  • This method is good for protecting mango fruit from temperature changes and rain.
  • It helps keep the quality and quantity of mangoes high, and it also helps to get the best price in the market.
  • Dew or rain doesn’t fall down on the fruit because the cover has wax on both sides. The mangoes have a lot of space to move around and breathe.

How cool is this method to protect the mangoes? What do our readers think about it? Do share your thoughts in the comments section.

Check out this informative Youtube video on how to use biodegradable bags to protect mangoes shared by Diyaan Agritech.

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