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Bir, Himachal Pradesh – India Travel Diaries!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A small town called Bir is in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh. It’s also known as the capital of paragliding in India.

The Bir Tibetan Colony is also in Bir. After the Tibetan rebellion in 1959, the Tibetan Colony was set up as a colony for Tibetans who had to leave their country.

A lot of Tibetan refugees live in the Bir Tibetan Colony. People from other countries, students, volunteers, and tourists also live there. And the majority of them work in agriculture.

People also visit Bir to learn more about themselves and to meditate.

Key facts!

  • Bir has a number of schools that bring students, tourists, volunteers, and other people from all over India and the rest of the world.
  • Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and centres for the Nyingma school, the Karma Kagyu school, and the Sakya school can be found here or in an area around it.
  • These monasteries and centres are well-known in Bir.
  • In the town of Bir, there is also a large stupa.
  • It was started by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche in March 2006, and the Dalai Lama gives it money.
  • Well-known scholars and people who teach meditation often come to the institute to lead workshops and give talks as guest lecturers.
  • Tourists and travellers who are just passing through are most interested in Tibetan architecture and the huge stupa.
  • In addition to the ongoing programmes for full-time students, the monastery will sometimes hold Buddhist ceremonies that are open to the public.
  • People who are interested in how tea is made can take a tour of the Bir Tea Factory.
  • The Bir Tea factory is part of a cooperative that has been running in Bir for many years.
  • People from all over the world also visit Bir-Billing to try paragliding.
  • The place where paragliders land is in the village of Chowgan, which is on the southern edge of Bir and can also be spelt “Chaugan.”

“The Untravel Show” on Youtube provides a Bir Billing traveller’s guide.

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