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Image depicting Birds become flying robots!

Birds become flying robots!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Greetings, young reader! Do you love birds? Perhaps you should take a seat before hearing this. Some people are taking birds and turning them into drones. Yes, you heard that right – drones! And we’re not talking about little toy drones, we’re talking about drones made out of taxidermy birds.

Taxidermy is a process of preserving the body of an animal by stuffing it with special materials. Birds are one of the most commonly preserved animals in taxidermy. Taxidermy birds are used for scientific study, artistic display, and even hunting trophies.

Important Details

  • You might be wondering why anyone would do such a thing. Well, it turns out that these bird drones can be used for all sorts of scientific research. Scientists can use them to study bird behavior and migration patterns, without having to disturb the birds in their natural habitat. Pretty cool, right?
  • But wait, it gets even more interesting. These bird drones are not just any old birds. No, no, no. They’re specially trained pigeons and doves that have been stuffed and fitted with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos. These little feathered drones can even fly up to 30 miles an hour!
  • Now, before you get too excited, you should know that not everyone is on board with this idea. Some people think it’s cruel to use dead animals in this way. But others argue that it’s a harmless way to gather important information about our feathered friends.
  • So, there you have it. Taxidermy birds turned into drones – the future is truly a strange and wonderful place.

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This story about a self-taught taxidermist from India who might be the last of his kind was shared on the “National Geographic” YouTube channel.

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