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Image depicting BTS' Jin begins military service!

BTS’ Jin begins military service!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Jin, the oldest member of the K-pop supergroup BTS, has just joined the army. He is the first person in the group to do this.

Jin posted a selfie of himself on social media with his new military haircut.  He said that it looked cuter than he had thought it would.

Technically South Korea is still at war with its neighbour, North Korea. Thus all able-bodied men in South Korea are required to serve in the military.

What is a boot camp?

Basic training, which is also known as “boot camp,” prepares new members of the military for all aspects of their duties including the physical, mental, and emotional parts.

Key facts!

  • Near the border with North Korea, Jin begins his training at a boot camp that will last for five weeks.
  • The boot camp is a strip of land that extends down the length of the border between North and South Korea.
  • Recruits at the boot camp sleep on mats placed directly on the floor in rooms that contain a total of 30 other people.
  • The recruits are also forced to engage in manual labour since they lack access to modern tools.
  • BTS’s Jin will also have to deal with the chilly winter weather.
  • Experts mention that the recruits have to spend days doing physical activities outside while the temperature drops below -20C.
  • They are instructed on how to properly handle weapons and then given opportunities to shoot live ammunition.
  • According to military experts, the most difficult activities include being confined in a tear gas chamber.
  • The recruits need to experience the effects of tear gas and not lose their mental balance.
  • It has been stated that Jin will be transferred to a frontline unit after completing his boot camp training.
  • Many young men in South Korea are dissatisfied with the country’s mandatory military duty since it forces them to spend time away from their studies, jobs, and friends.
  • They feel that this practice is unfair.

Here are ten thins Jin can’t live without. We are sure he’ll miss these at the boot camp.

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