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Image depicting China bans kids from playing online video games during the week

China bans kids from playing online video games during the week


Recommended for Middle Grades

China has come up with a new rule that says children under the age of 18 cannot play online video games on weekdays. Moreover, even on most weekends, children can play for up to just three hours.

This is as per the National Press and Publication Administration (NPPA). The NPAA is is the government agency in China responsible for regulating and distributing news, print and Internet publications.

What does the new rule say?

Starting this week, anyone under 18 years cannot play online video games from Monday to Thursday. And they will be allowed only an hour of playtime between 8 pm and 9 pm on Friday, weekends and public holidays. That means even on weekends and holidays, they can play only one hour a day.

Even earlier, NPAA had tightened limits on how much time children could play online video games. The agency said that it is putting these rules to stop young people from becoming addicted to video games.

Protests on social media

Many people complained against the new restrictions for online video games on Chinese social media, saying they were too strict. They said that the rules could be adjusted for young people of different ages. Moreover, others also noted that it may put the country behind in the world of competitive gaming or esports.

Do you think this new rule is a good idea?


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