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Image depicting Chinese rocket crashes on Moon

Chinese rocket crashes on Moon surface


Recommended for Middle Grades


Chinese rocket crashes on the surface of Moon

A 3-tonne piece of Chinese rocket debris crashes on the surface of the moon. This crash created a 65-feet wide crater on the lunar surface.

What is space debris?

pace debris is unsused artifical objects in space, basically in orbit of the Earth.

What is Crater?

A crater is a bowl-shaped depression produced by the impact of an explosion or volcanic activity.

When did the crash happen?

The Chinese rocket is a leftover of the Long March 3C rocket which was launched in 2014 under the Chang’e 5-T1 mission.  The part of the Chinese rocket fell on the lunar surface at 7:25 AM on 4th March 2022. NASA(National Aeronautical and Space Association) will find the impact of the crater on the surface of the moon. Check out the image of the crater on the moon below.

This space debris was reported by Bill Gray, who’s running Project Pluto. NASA said that the narrow-angle cameras on the rocket have sufficient resolution to detect the crater of the moon. NASA may find positive identification on before and after images of the moon.

Until more updates on the moon and the craters formed on the lunar surface, stay curious. Let us know your thoughts on the topic.

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