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Image depicting Chupacabra

Chupacabra found outside the Amarillo zoo


Recommended for Foundational Grades


Recently, a mysterious figure has been caught on the security cameras in Amarillo zoo in Texas. The picture on the zoo’s security camera went viral after it was posted on Twitter seeking help from the people to identify the creature.

What’s in the image?

The city of Amarillo released an image showing a shaggy form roaming outside the zoo. The image was taken on 21 May during the early morning hours. It is not clearly visible, so the creature or object is left unidentified.

The zoo officials are wondering what that figure is? Is it a person who loves to walk at night?  Or a Chupacabra?

What is a chupacabra?

What is Chupacabra?

A Chupacabra is a legendary creature in parts of America. It was firstly found in Puerto Rico in 1995.

The name is derived from the Spanish words ‘chupar’ which means to suck and ‘cabra’ means goat. A Chupacabra is a monstrous creature that attacks animals and consumes their blood.

The image is still unrecognizable and you can see that the creature has two long legs supporting it. The zoo officials are still figuring out if the mystery creature is a chupacabra or something else.

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