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Climate change leads to trees losing their leaves early


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Climate change has led to many changes around us. Let’s read to know about another impact of climate change.

Some trees lose their leaves during certain times of the year, like winter. These are known as deciduous trees. Common deciduous trees in the Northern Hemisphere include ash, oak, maple and willow trees.

While losing leaves in winter is a natural process, a new study has recently found that they are losing leaves earlier than usual. Why? Due to climate change.

Every year, the leaves of deciduous trees turn yellow, orange and red before they fall. This process is known as senescence. This is a way for them to stop growing during winter when there are fewer nutrients.

However, global warming due to climate change has resulted in longer growing seasons.

This means the plant absorbs more CO2 (carbon dioxide) through spring and summer, and they lose their leaves earlier. This is similar to feeling full earlier if you start eating earlier.

The study says that it is possible that by the end of the century, leaves might even fall off three to six days earlier than usual. This is due to extra carbon dioxide, temperature and light levels in the world today.

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