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COVID-19: Delhi could be experiencing “third wave” of cases


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India’s COVID-19 caseload has gone past 8.3 million. The number of recoveries has crossed over 7.6 million. The national recovery rate is over 92%.

The number of active cases of COVID-19 remained below 600,000 for the sixth consecutive day.

Delhi is experiencing a high number of cases daily. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said it can be called the “third wave”.

COVID-19 testing facility for domestic and international departing passengers has started at the Delhi Airport.

Pharmaceutical company Cadila Healthcare (Zydus Cadila) said it has completed enrolment of 1,000 volunteers in Phase-II clinical trials of its potential Covid-19 vaccine, ZyCoV-D.

What is the situation worldwide?

Over 47.4 million cases have been reported worldwide.

Hungary tightened anti-COVID rules to stop the spread of the virus.

The Italian government is set to ban people from leaving or entering cities and towns in high-risk areas. It is also imposing a curfew.

Denmark’s prime minister, Mette Frederiksen, is self-isolating after her justice minister tested positive.

Scientists have come up with a new “ultrapotent” (very strong) COVID-19 vaccine candidate. It has produced “extremely high levels” of protective antibodies in mice in labs.

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