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Image depicting COVID-19 medical garbage

COVID-19 medical garbage threatens global health


Recommended for Secondary Grades


Medical garbage threatens our medical health

COVID-19 pandemic has proved not only to be a health crisis but also an environmental crisis.

Medical garbage has already been a big problem in the world before COVID-19. The pandemic has only worsened the situation.

COVID medical garbage affects health issues

Approximately 430 million COVID-19 cases are recorded all over the world. The pandemic has generated a huge amount of medical garbage. It includes test kits, gloves, masks, syringes and other medical equipment that are used in hospitals and clinics. This garbage is polluting the environment.

The perspective of WHO about medical garbage

World Health Organisation(WHO) stated that the garbage problem is global. It is extreme in poor countries where garbage is simply burnt in open pits.

WHO states that medical garbage needs to be managed efficiently. There should be an effective management system for managing and disposing of the garbage. A guide about disposing of medical garbage should be issued for the doctors and health workers.

COVID-19 medical garbage management

COVID-19 medical garbage needs to be managed effectively. New policies and regulations should be implemented. The hospital staff should monitor the garbage and find out ways to keep the people safe from the severe effects of the medical garbage.

India has reported more than 4,000 new cases of the COVID-19 virus. The vaccine, Covovax is approved for children between the age of 12 to 17 years. Though the severity of the disease has lessened, the fourth wave of the pandemic is expected in June.

All of us should make efforts in order to make our environment clean. Let us know in the comments below.

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