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Image depicting COVID-19 Update, 17-April!

COVID-19 Update, 17-April!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Here’s a worldwide COVID-19 Update for our readers!

Wuhan, China, was the first place to get coronavirus in December of 2019. Over 450 million people have been infected by the virus, which is called SARS-CoV-2. It has also killed more than 6 million people.

Asia Pacific


India has seen a steady rise in Covid-19 cases after a short period of decline. Also, India questions the World Health Organization’s (WHO) method for estimating the COVID-19 death toll in the country.

The country raises concerns over the model used to estimate the deaths due to COVID-19. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and some states have written to the WHO about their concerns.


Shanghai is on a lockdown because authorities are trying to stop a new wave of the virus. Most of the city’s nearly 25 million people have been told to stay inside for three weeks. The city has turned exhibition halls and schools into quarantine centres and set up makeshift hospitals to treat people who are sick.

It’s been almost two years since the virus first started spreading in China. The city of Wuhan was shut down and sealed off. The lockdown of Shanghai has lasted far longer than it was supposed to. People are running low on food, water, and other things.  The lockdown extension has slowed down delivery services, grocery store websites, and even the delivery of government supplies.


People in Vietnam have been getting vaccine passports. Following the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union (EU), Vietnam’s vaccine passport is the same as those of the other countries.  Name, date of birth, nationality, disease, vaccine doses, and date of vaccination are some of the details on the vaccination passport.

United States

The United States begins to use breathalyzers to detect COVID-19. The device is granted for emergency use by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Doctors’ offices, hospitals, and mobile testing locations can all benefit from this device’s capabilities. The device has the ability to give results in less than three minutes. The authorities are hopeful to increase testing capacity using this device.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) expects to change its Covid-19 travel advice for international destinations. It hopes to cut down on the number of restricted countries.

New Zealand

Australians started coming to New Zealand after the country opened its borders for the first time since mid-2021. Since March 2020, most of New Zealand’s borders have been closed, except for a short-lived travel bubble between New Zealand and Australia last year that was stopped after a few months as Covid-19 spread.


As per the Australian government officials, people from other countries who come to Australia will no longer have to take a Covid-19 test. International travellers will still need to show that they have been vaccinated twice against Covid-19. Travellers will still have to wear a mask on international flights.

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