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Image depicting Curiosity rover celebrates 9 years on Mars

Curiosity rover celebrates 9 years on Mars


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little adventurers! Get ready to blast off into the Martian world with NASA’s amazing Curiosity rover! You’ve probably heard about Perseverance, but did you know there’s another rover having a grand old time on Mars? It’s called Curiosity, and it’s been there since 2012!

Curiosity’s Journey

  • Curiosity is like a cool Mars car. NASA launched it in 2011, and it landed on Mars in 2012. Its mission was to explore the Gale crater, which is like a giant, ancient dry lake on Mars. Can you imagine a lake on Mars? It’s named after a super cool astronomer from Australia, Walter Frederick Gale.
  • Now, here’s the fun part: Curiosity was only supposed to explore Mars for two years, but guess what? It’s still going strong! It’s been nine whole years since Curiosity arrived on Mars. That’s a pretty big deal! To celebrate, NASA shared an amazing 360-degree panorama image of Mars. It’s like a picture that shows everything around the rover. Imagine taking a picture that shows the whole world!
  • Since Curiosity landed, it’s been climbing up the side of a ginormous region called Mount Sharp. Imagine climbing a mountain, but on Mars! Curiosity is checking out all the cool rocks and soil as it goes up. It’s like a Martian geologist! But wait, there’s more! Curiosity is also sniffing the Martian air and checking the weather. Maybe it will find some Martian clouds or Martian rainbows. How cool would that be?
  • So, my little space explorers, isn’t it amazing what Curiosity has been up to? It’s been roving around Mars, taking awesome pictures, and making important discoveries. Who knows what other incredible things it will find as it keeps on rolling? Keep your eyes on the stars, and who knows? Maybe one day you’ll be the one driving a rover on Mars, making discoveries that will blow our minds. Until then, stay curious, keep exploring, and always dream big!

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