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Discover India’s First Village in Uttarakhand!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Mana is a small village in Uttarakhand’s Chamoli district. It has been declared as the “First Indian Village.” The official declaration was made by Border Roads Organisation (BRO).

The signboard that reads ‘First Indian Village’ was placed by the BRO to improve the living conditions and promote economic growth in the village.

In addition, the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) has launched the “Vibrant Village” program.  It aims to develop eco-sustainable agri-business, harness tourism potential. Further, improve the quality of life in these villages.

The “One village, one product” concept is being used to promote rural development and local cuisine.

Important Details

  • Mana is located on the banks of the River Saraswati.
  • It is known for its woollen garments and materials, potatoes, and kidney beans.
  • The people living in this village belong to the Bhotia community.
  • It’s interesting that the community is part of Mongol tribe.
  • Further, the people reside in small decorated cottages.
  • The people of Mana are proud of their village and its heritage.
  • Importantly, they welcome visitors to come and experience the local culture and traditions.

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