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Image depicting Dutch law favours work-from-home!

Dutch law favours work-from-home!

Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Dutch parliament passed a law that makes working from home a legally protected right. This makes it possible for the Netherlands to be one of the first places in the world to put this kind of flexibility into law.

Working from home isn’t something new for the Dutch. Per European Union’s statistics agency, in 2018 the Netherlands had the highest rate of employees who worked from home than any other country in the European Union.

Key facts about the work-from-home law!

  • As per legislation rules, the law will now be looked at by the Senate for approval.
  • The new law says that employers have to think about such requests and give a reason for turning them down if they do.
  • Employers in the Netherlands are not required to give a reason if they say no to an employee’s request to work from home.
  • Official authorities feel that this law helps people find a better balance between work and their personal lives and reduces the amount of time they spend commuting.
  • In addition, this law is also a good thing for employers. Because when employees are happy, so are the people in charge.
  • Some Dutch companies think that if they keep letting their workers work from home, both worker happiness and production will go up.
  • Dutch companies aspire to combine the benefits of working in the office with the benefits of working from home. As a result, they put forward the health and happiness of their employees as their top priority.

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