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Earth’s ozone layer is repairing due to lower pollution


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The ozone layer or ozone shield is a layer of gas surrounding the Earth. It absorbs most of the Sun’s harmful rays.

Due to heavy pollution, a hole had developed in the ozone layer above Antarctica. However, a new study says that the ozone layer has begun to repair itself.


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How did this happen?

  • In 1987, many countries signed the Montreal Protocol. This was an agreement to decrease the chemicals that cause depletion (lessening) of ozone.
  • The effect of this agreement is finally showing. This shows that if the countries can work together quickly, we can save the environment.
  • Also, this has led to the reversal of the jet streams or air currents. They were moving south owing to the hole in the ozone layer. This had been causing many areas to not get enough rain and the climate changing drastically.

This is a much-welcome piece of good news. However, countries must keep on doing what they can to decrease ozone-depleting chemicals.

In case you would like to know more about the Montreal Protocol, click here.

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Watch a video

Here is a video on the Ozone Layer.

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Comments: 1
  1. Mr Manu Sharma says:

    It was amazing and I loved it ..
    Good work ..
    by Aaradhya Sharma ..

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