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Egypt unearths a gold-covered mummy!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Among the most recent archaeological finds in Egypt is a mummy that is covered in gold.

Archaeologists have announced that they have discovered a mummy that is wrapped in gold leaf. It was also preserved within a coffin that has not been opened in 4,000 years.

Experts believe that the mummy is one of the oldest discovered in Egypt. It is made up of the remains of a man named “Hekashepes.”

The discovery was made at a burial place that has been in use for more than three thousand years. In addition, it is on the list of Unesco World Heritage Sites.

Key facts!

  • It was discovered at a burial site located south of Cairo, down a 50-foot-long shaft, together with three other tombs.
  • The “secret keeper,” whose remains were placed in one of the tombs, was a significant person in ancient Egyptian society.
  • It is believed that the guy served as a priest, inspector, and supervisor of nobles.
  • He was also the owner of the largest of the mummies that were discovered at the ancient necropolis.
  • The other belonged to a high-ranking palace officer by the name of Meri.
  • This gave him the authority to carry out particular religious rites.
  • It is believed that a judge and writer by the name of Fetek was laid to rest in the other tomb.
  • His tomb was discovered with a collection of statues that are thought to be the largest statues that have ever been discovered in the region.
  • Among the tombs, archaeologists have discovered not just pottery but also a number of other artefacts.
  • Lead archaeologists stated that all of the discoveries date between the 25th and 22nd centuries BC.
  • In addition, this discovery connects the kings with the people living around them.

Watch a video

Youtube user “Egypt Made Easy” takes us on a virtual tour of Saqqara.

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