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Image depicting Egypt's 52-foot-long book of the dead

Egypt’s 52-foot-long book of the dead!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey, open-minded reader! Guess what? Some super cool archaeologists in Egypt found something amazing! They discovered a really, really old text that’s as long as a humongous snake and as tall as a giant tree! Can you believe it? And it’s all about something called the “Book of the Dead.” Sounds spooky, right?

These super smart scholars say that this ancient text is over 2,000 years old. That’s like a gazillion times older than your grandpa! They found it inside a coffin, inside a tomb, in a place called Saqqara, Egypt. That’s a country far, far away, where people used to build giant pointy things called pyramids.

Hmm, if they found this ancient text in a tomb, it must mean that it was really important to the person who was buried there. Maybe they believed that this “Book of the Dead” could help them in some way in the afterlife. Spooky stuff!

Ancient Marvels: The Book of the Dead Unearthed

  • The first pyramid ever built by the Egyptians was the Step Pyramid of Djoser. It was like a giant stairway made of rocks, built by a pharaoh named Djoser. He was a big deal in ancient Egypt a long, long time ago.
  • So, it seems that people have been burying their dead near this pyramid for, like, forever. And guess what? The last time they found a full ancient text like this in Saqqara was over a hundred years ago! That’s older than your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandpa!
  • Experts say that this super old papyrus was inside a coffin from a time called the Late Period. That’s when dinosaurs roamed the Earth! Well, not really, but it was a long, long time ago. This papyrus was like a guidebook for the afterlife. It helped the dead people find their way around in the spooky world beyond.
  • The burial shafts that held this papyrus were made during a time when it was totally cool to be buried near a pyramid of a fancy ruler. It’s like if you wanted to be buried near the biggest ice cream shop in the world!
  • These amazing archaeologists who work for the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities made this incredible discovery. They are like treasure hunters, but instead of finding gold and jewels, they find super old stuff that tells us about the past. They haven’t shown us any pictures of this ancient text yet, but they’re working on it. I bet it’s going to be awesome!
  • Soon, this mind-blowing discovery will be shown in a museum in Egypt. That means lots of people, including us, will get to see it up close and personal. How cool is that? We can learn all about ancient Egypt and their wild adventures in the afterlife. Who knows, maybe we’ll even get a glimpse into the secret world of mummies and pharaohs!
  • So, keep your eyes peeled, my little adventurer. The “Book of the Dead” is ready to tell us its ancient secrets, and it’s going to be a blast!

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