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Image depicting Explore the Historic Rashtrapati Bhavan, Now Open to All!

Explore the Historic Rashtrapati Bhavan, Now Open to All!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, curious readers! Get ready for some exciting news! Guess what? The famous Rashtrapati Bhavan in India is opening its doors to the public for six whole days every week starting from June 1, 2023! Woohoo!

You can visit Rashtrapati Bhavan from Tuesday to Sunday (except on holidays when important government work is happening). And guess what? You have not just one or two, but seven different time slots to choose from!

The tours will be held between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., giving you plenty of time to explore this incredible place.

Important Details

  • Let’s dive into the interesting facts! Rashtrapati Bhavan is the magnificent home of the President of India. Two brilliant architects, Sir Edwin Lutyens and Herbert Baker, built it.The building is shaped like the letter ‘H.’ Plus it covers a whopping 5 acres of land on a massive 330-acre estate. That’s like having a super huge playground, right?
  • Inside this marvellous mansion, there are a total of 340 rooms spread over four floors. Can you imagine how big that is? It has around 2.5 kilometers of corridors, which is like walking a really, really long way! And hold your breath, it even has a massive garden area of 190 acres. That’s like having a whole forest in your backyard!
  • Now, let’s talk about the fun stuff. When you visit Rashtrapati Bhavan, you’ll get to explore it in three different circuits.
    • Circuit 1 takes you to the main building and central lawn, where you can see amazing rooms like the Ashok Hall, Durbar Hall, and Banquet Hall.
    • Let Circuit 2 guide you to the captivating Rashtrapati Bhavan Museum Complex.
    • Circuit 3 (open during Udyan Utsav) offers a tour of the famous gardens like Amrit Udyan, Herbal Garden, Musical Garden, and Spiritual Garden.
  • Oh, and here’s a bonus for you! On Saturdays, you can witness the grand change of guard ceremony at the forecourt of Rashtrapati Bhavan from 8 am to 9 am. It’s a sight you won’t want to miss!
  • Now, here comes the best part. You can book your slots online on their official website to secure your chance to explore this magnificent place. Just visit  and get ready for an adventure like no other!

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