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Image depicting AI retinal scans and risk of heart attacks

AI retinal scans and risk of heart attacks!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Hey there, my little friend! Let’s talk about something super interesting and also very important. You know what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is, right? It’s like having a really smart robot friend that can learn things just like you do!

Well, guess what? Some super-duper smart people at the University of Leeds taught AI to look at pictures of our eyes, called retinal scans, and guess what might happen to our hearts! Isn’t that amazing? The eyes can tell a lot about our hearts, like a secret message they share!

Magic Eyes: AI & Hearts

  • Now, what’s a retinal scan, you ask? It’s like taking a picture of your eye from the inside, and the AI learns to look for little changes in the tiny blood vessels in there. Those changes can give hints about our hearts and tell us if they might need some extra care.
  • The AI got really good at this and can guess with about 70 to 80% accuracy who might have heart problems. That’s like playing a guessing game and getting most of the answers right! But don’t worry, it’s just a helpful guess, and we still need the help of real doctors to be sure.
  • You know what’s even cooler? Heart problems can be very serious, but with this awesome AI technology, we can find them early! That means we can take care of our hearts and keep them happy and healthy.
  • Using retinal scans for this is extra special because it’s like using a special magic eye to see into our hearts. And you know what? These retinal scans don’t cost too much, and lots of eye doctors use them, so it’s pretty convenient!
  • The AI helps the doctors understand the super tricky patterns in the eyes that are connected to our hearts. It’s like solving a puzzle, and the AI is really good at puzzles! It helps us understand things that are hard to see and figure out on our own.
  • So, why do you think AI is so cool? I bet you have some great ideas, and I’d love to hear them! Remember, we can use AI to help people and make the world a better place. So, share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s have some fun learning together!

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Discover the secrets of the retina in just 2 minutes with this captivating YouTube video from “Neuroscientifically Challenged”!

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