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Image depicting Festival of Rice promotes weather-proof crops!

Festival of Rice promotes weather-proof crops!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hi, imaginative seeker! We have the most exciting story to share with you! In a beautiful place called Kerala, lots of people, like farmers and researchers, came together to see a tiny piece of land – just 1.5 acres!

But guess what? They weren’t just any people; they were super caring about the environment! Can you imagine that?

Let’s embark on this comical and heartwarming journey to find out what happened on that special day!

Ikki Jathre: Green Gathering!

  • In the magical land of Kerala, there’s an organization called Thanal, and they had a brilliant idea to protect the environment. They picked this tiny piece of land right in the center of conservation agriculture. And guess what? They did something incredible!
  • The clever scientists at Thanal made a whopping 300 different kinds of rice! Wow, that’s a lot, right? You see, the weather was being a bit tricky and hard to predict, causing a big problem for farmers all over the country.
  • So, what did Thanal do about this situation? They came up with an amazing plan! They wanted everyone to join in and help, so on December 12, they launched something super cool called “Ikki Jathre,” which means the Festival of Rice in the tribal language.  The purpose was to show people how important it is to save special kinds of plants that can survive in tough weather. Smart move, Thanal!
  • Ever since 2012, Thanal has been hosting “rice field weeks,” where everyone gathers to learn and share their knowledge. It’s like a big party of learning and fun! But, you know what? In 2018 and 2019, the festival got a bit wet because of flooding, and then the tricky COVID-19 pandemic made things tough too. But, Thanal didn’t give up! They decided to bring back the festival this year because they knew how important it is to learn from each other.
  • Oh, and here’s something super cool! Thanal started something called the Rice Diversity Block (RDB) in 2009, where they collected 30 types of rice. But they didn’t stop there! By 2022, they had an amazing collection of 300 different kinds of rice!
  • They even brought traditional rice from different states across India! And guess what happened next? When the farmers went back home after the festival, they took seeds with them and shared them with their friends and neighbors! It’s like spreading magic all around!
  • So, my awesome readers, this is the tale of how a tiny piece of land in Kerala brought people together to protect the environment and share the magic of rice! It just goes to show that when we all work together, amazing things can happen. Let’s remember to take care of our planet and cherish the gifts it gives us, just like the wonderful people at Thanal.

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Discover the fascinating journey of rice production with “Online Primary Education” on YouTube!

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