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Finnair airline sells its airplane food in grocery stores


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Have you heard of Finnair airline? Let’s read about their latest service.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic started, flights across the world have been stopped. Many people miss travelling, while airlines are fighting business losses.

So, airlines have been coming up with different ideas to let people feel the fun of travel. Remember we read about, the recent flight to nowhere in Australia.

Finland’s airline company, Finnair airline, has started selling food that it serves in its flights in a grocery store in the city of Vantaa, Finland.

Called the “Taste of Finnair“, the food is inspired by the food that the airline serves in its business class on flights.

What kind of dishes is it selling? Some items include reindeer meatballs, chanterelle risotto (an Italian mushroom and rice dish) and other exciting meals. The menu will change every two weeks.

Finnair airline said that the idea behind this was to provide some sort of excitement for people who miss travelling. Finnair tested the idea among their airline staff first. When they realised it was popular, they decided to work with the local grocery store. They hope to expand the idea to other stores in Finland.

It will also give the airlines some funds to bring back some of the employees that they had to fire due to the pandemic.

Would you like to try out this food?

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