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Geladas or exotic monkeys found in Ethiopia


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Exotic monkeys found in Ethiopia

Exotic monkeys known as Geladas are found in Ethiopia. These monkeys are socially adventurous.

What are Geladas?

Geladas are isolated monkeys who live in large herds in Simien Mountains of Northern Ethiopia

Geladas or Exotic monkeys

This species of monkeys were never seen or heard about. Geladas graze primarily on grass. They move in herds and are noisy in nature. They live on heights and are observable during the day. They ensure their safety from leopards and hyenas by climbing up on the cliffs.

Types of Geladas

The Gelada monkeys are quite noticeable with burning eyes and leathery complexion. The male geladas have vampiric teeth. They are the same size as a large dog. The female gelada is half the size of the male monkey.

Both male and female geladas have a bald patch of skin on their chests. It connects to the male’s social status and the female’s reproductive stage. The colour of the bald patch ranges from pink to red. The other name for these exotic monkeys is bleeding-heart baboons.

The researcher Jacinta Beehner is studying Geladas. She says that these exotic monkeys like soft grass which is rich in proteins. Another interesting fact is that these monkeys are always communicating with each other.

Social behaviour of the geladas

According to Beehner, the geladas are very social. They move in herds which can have 1,200 individuals. But the usual herd consists of a leader male, two or 12 females and their young ones. Female geladas are related to each other.

The geladas are the only existing species from the line of grazing primates. Aren’t they adorable? Have you come across any such different animals or birds? Let us know in the comments below.

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There are so many animals in the world. Some live on land, some on trees, some in water and some fly up in the sky. Some are fun and playful and some quite dangerous too. Sometimes they work in teams but some prefer to be alone. Can you think of some of the qualities that you love about animals? Read our animal news for kids for more interesting animal stories.

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