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Global Save Soil Policy Handbook!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young environmental heroes! Get ready for an amazing adventure as we learn about a super important mission – saving the soil! Scientists and experts from all around the world joined forces to create the Global Save Soil Policy Handbook for seven different places. Can you believe it?

Let’s jump into this exciting story to find out how they plan to save the soil and why it’s so important!

Super Soil Saviors!

  • Once upon a time, in different corners of the world, there were some super smart scientists and experts on soil. They were like the Earth’s detectives, trying to solve a big problem. You see, the soil was in trouble, and it needed our help! So, they started the “Save Soil Movement” to get everyone on board and save our planet’s soil.
  • These soil superheroes knew that if we don’t take care of the soil, it won’t be able to grow healthy plants and yummy food. So, they had a clever plan! They asked governments from all over the world to make special rules, called policies, to protect the soil. One super important rule was that agricultural soils should have between 3% and 6% organic matter to stay healthy.
  • Now, these scientists and experts didn’t just talk about it; they wrote down all their cool ideas in special books. These books were like secret manuals for governments to make the soil better. They had over 700 ways for each country to improve their soil health! Wow, that’s a lot of ideas!
  • The Save Soil Movement focused on seven areas: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and Northern Africa, North America, and Oceania. Can you imagine how many people were involved in this global adventure? More than three billion! That’s like the whole planet coming together to save our precious soil!
  • But you know what’s even more amazing? Some really famous and important people from all over the world joined this mission too! They wanted to spread the word and tell everyone how urgent it is to save the soil on Earth. That’s right, even celebrities and heroes care about our planet!
  • Guess what, little champions? The Save Soil Movement has been a massive success! More than eighty countries already promised to make policies to protect the soil. The future is looking greener and brighter for our Earth! Thanks to these incredible scientists, experts, and all the people who joined this hilarious adventure, our soil is getting the love and care it deserves.
  • So, next time you see a tiny bug crawling in the soil or a little plant growing, remember how important they are for our planet! We can all be soil saviors by taking care of our environment and making sure our soil stays healthy. Together, we can protect our Earth and have lots of fun doing it too! Keep being awesome, little heroes!

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Discover the essence of soil as shared by the popular YouTube channel, ‘BBC Ideas’!

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