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Gunshot detection technology could protect endangered animals


Recommended for Middle Grades

New gunshot detection technology could be used to protect endangered species.

The technology has been developed by the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). ZSL is an international conservation organisation.

What is gunshot detection technology?

This technology has sensors that can record events up to 1 km away. It then uses artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse the audio to identify gunshots. This will be used to alert anti-poacher guards to any location where gunshots were identified.

Currently, we use camera traps to track poachers (illegal hunters). The traps take photos when movement is detected but its range is quite limited.

The new gunshot detection sensors can record continuously and can detect events much further than cameras can. They are also much cheaper.

Google Cloud and ZSL tried out this technology in the Dja Faunal Reserve in Cameroon, Africa.

They placed 69 audio recording devices into the park for a month, which continuously recorded sounds. Then, Google AI searched for gunshots in the sounds, locating where they came from. AI can do this much faster than humans can.

Knowing these hotspots can help officials send additional help to keep animals safe.

In the future, the project hopes to be also able to identify humans talking, which could indicate poachers are nearby. It could also be used to record the sounds of endangered animals to check on their wellbeing.

Gunshot detection technology is already used by police forces in the US for security purposes.

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