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Image depicting Hakki Pikkis: Birds to Medicine Magic!

Hakki Pikkis: Birds to Medicine Magic!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Once known for their bird-catching skills, the Hakki Pikki tribe has transformed into successful entrepreneurs of traditional medicine. Their products are not only popular across various parts of India, but they are also shipped abroad.

Recently, a group of Hakki Pikki tribe members, who had been selling their traditional medicine for several months in conflict-torn Sudan, returned home.

The Hakki Pikki tribe

The Hakki Pikki tribe, also known as bird catchers, migrated to Karnataka from Gujarat and Rajasthan around a hundred years ago. Initially involved in bird-catching and hunting, they switched to producing traditional medicines, especially hair oils, after bird-catching was banned.

The Hakki Pikki tribe specializes in producing various traditional oils and medicines that are in high demand nationwide. Furthermore, leveraging their knowledge of herbal remedies, they have thrived in this business, experiencing both prosperity and setbacks.

Prerana and Moksha, a mother-daughter duo, have found great success selling their hair growth oil online. They advertise their products on social media platforms and receive numerous calls daily from interested customers. Their business has flourished, and they now earn significant revenue each month.

Loans and Challenges

While some members of the community have prospered, others have faced financial difficulties due to taking loans to start their businesses. Despite the risks involved, many educated young boys from the tribe prefer the traditional medicine business over government or private jobs, leading to mixed outcomes.

The Hakki Pikki community members who were stuck in Sudan expressed their desire to be shifted to neighboring countries to continue selling their products and repay the loans they had taken. The conflict disrupted their plans and left them worried about their financial obligations.

When the people who came back from Sudan told their stories, they talked about how scared they were. They didn’t have enough food and water, and they had to listen to loud noises like guns and bombs. These scary things made their homes break and they couldn’t get everything they needed. But then the Indian government helped them and they felt better. They got to be with their families again.

To finish, the Hakki Pikki tribe’s journey is really amazing. They used to catch birds, but now they make special medicines that many people want. Even though they had some hard times, they never gave up and became successful in their business. This made their lives better and made their whole community happier too.

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