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Image depicting Heinz’s biodegradable ketchup bottle cap!

Heinz’s biodegradable ketchup bottle cap!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Heinz’s redesigned ketchup bottle cap is recyclable. Researchers at Heinz took nearly 185,000 hours, eight years, and 45 iterations to perfect the plastic cap.

The designs were manufactured on a cutting-edge 3D printer. In the end, Heinz decided to go with a design that offers the same level of performance but is immediately recyclable.

As per market research reports, Heinz ruled the market for years. This is because it is the only brand of ketchup that moms trust to buy without worrying that their kids wouldn’t like it.

Key facts!

  • As per researchers, the bottle cap’s top was difficult to recycle.
  • Thus this led to as many as one billion caps being dumped in landfills each year.
  • That’s enough caps to fill 35 Olympic swimming pools.
  • Market research indicated that Heinz’s silicone stop valve was better than those of other brands.
  • This is because it enabled a perfect, continuous stream of uninterrupted ketchup.
  • Also, the ketchup never flowed out over the side of the container.
  • However, because of the original silicone valve, recycling the top was “extremely difficult.”
  • According to the company’s spokesperson, “the biggest challenges were addressing the challenges of the current one and meeting the needs of our consumers.”
  • This led the research team to do through nearly 45 iterations.
  • In the end, they decided to go with a polypropylene design.
  • There is no set date for the introduction of the caps internationally, although they will be introduced on Heinz bottles in the UK in 2022.

Food Insider on YouTube shows us how Heinz’s ketchup is made.

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