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image depicting Here is what an an 18,000-year-old musical instrument sounds like

Here is what an 18000-year-old musical instrument sounds like


Recommended for Foundational Grades

An 18000-year-old musical instrument

In the 1930s, scientists found a conch shell in a cave in southern France. Turns out that it is a musical instrument, about 18,000 years old!

What is a conch?

A conch is the shell of a sea creature, that is also known as a conch. Conches are played by blowing into them.

This conch is the oldest known wind instrument of its type. Inside the conch are three dots that match the paintings on the walls of the Marsoulas cave in France. The conch was also found here.

The 18000-year-old musical instrument

The shell was once home to a kind of cold-water Atlantic sea snail called Charonia lampas.

Scientists asked a musician to blow into the conch. He was able to create a few musical notes. Here is what it sounds like the 18000-year-old musical instrument sounds like.


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