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Image depicting Hope's Click: Udaan's Children Shine!

Hope’s Click: Udaan’s Children Shine!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Delhi’s renowned Vadehra Art Gallery now hosts an eye-opening spectacle called “Sapnon ki Udaan”. Unveiling before your eyes is a photographic tale of the unfathomable transition homeless children experience as they move from open streets to the warmth of shelter homes.

Dreams Take Flight

  • Each of the photographers lenses speaks tales of raw emotions, powerful vulnerabilities, and the indomitable spirit of the street children of Delhi.
  • The curator’s journey? From the rough terrains of Delhi’s streets to being wrapped in the protective arms of an NGO, giving street children the love they deserve. His perspective? “From rummaging through waste to living a simple life, shelter homes rewrite destinies.”
  • Images may be old, but the stories are evergreen. One of the photographers rightly opines, “Street children, yesterday or today, face parallel challenges.” And the commonality between the children? All once called the streets their home.
  • One of the photographers dreams with his eyes open. His captures mirror his life, the highs and lows, the ebbs and flows. And yes, he might just be the next big filmmaker! Meanwhile, another one paints a different canvas – one that’s imbued with hope, happiness, and joy. From karate to reading, her images are vivid stories of dreams taking flight.
  • This photographer had a creative spin before her shoots. Engaging in hearty chats with the kids about their dreams, they co-designed masks. Masks that hid their faces but spotlighted their dreams. Ingenious, isn’t it?
  • Accompanying the photos is a documentary. Hear the children, in their own words, reveal hopes brighter than the sun, dreams grander than the universe. Their lives might be pinched by hardships, but their hearts are expansive, generous, and brimming with joy.
  • “They might be short on materialistic things, but when it comes to sharing, they’re the richest.” Every time anyone brought treats, these little hearts would always save some for their buddies. Not pity, but empathy is what they seek.
  • ‘Sapnon ki Udaan’ isn’t just an exhibition; it’s a realm where dreams sprout wings. A realm that reminds us of the boundless strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of hope and love. So, let’s not just witness but feel, empathize, and perhaps, fly alongside.

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