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Image depicting India-Maldives Relations Strengthened with Six Key Pacts

India-Maldives Relations Strengthened with Six Key Pacts


Recommended for India-Maldives

Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Maldives on 8th June. It was Modi’s first foreign state visit after he was re-elected as Prime minister.

  • The visit re-confirmed the importance of India’s “Neighbourhood First” foreign policy.
  • This policy focus is on connecting with nearby countries for mutual cooperation and development.

  • PM Modi addressed the Majlis (the Maldivian parliament) and said that the relations between India and the Maldives are older than history.
  • PM Modi and the President of Maldives Ibrahim Mohamed Solih signed six key agreements between the countries.
  • The agreements covered areas such as hydrography*, health, passenger and cargo services by sea, capacity-building in customs and civil service training.
  • A coastal surveillance* radar system and a training centre for the Maldives defence forces were jointly inaugurated by the leaders.


*hydrography – the science of studying and surveying water bodies such as seas, lakes, and rivers.

*surveillance – close observation.

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