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Image depicting Andaman Islands - India Travel Diaries!

Andaman Islands – India Travel Diaries!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The Andaman Islands are one of India’s most beautiful places to visit. This is because it is well-known for its clear blue water, white sand beaches, and colourful coral reefs.

Andaman is India’s most remote state. As it is in the middle of the Bay of Bengal, more than a thousand kilometres from India’s eastern coast.

The Andaman Islands and the Nicobar Islands are both in the same administrative division.

The Andaman group is made up of about 200 islands. Whereas the Nicobar group is made up of about 19 islands.

From Kolkata, Chennai, and Visakhapatnam, planes and ferries take people to the Andaman islands.

Key facts!

  • The first occupants of the island may be traced back 2,200 years, according to excavations.
  • In addition, a number of indigenous peoples call the Andaman Islands home.
  • This includes the Great Andamanese, Jarawas, Onge, etc.
  • Moreoever, Sri Lankan Tamils, Biharis, Bengalis, and others have settled in the Andaman Islands.
  • Some of the historical attractions of Andaman are:
    • Cellular Jail which was also known as Kalapani Jail, was where freedom fighters were kept.
    • Ross Island was the first settlement of the British in the Andaman Islands.
  • Coconut crabs, which live on land, are the biggest crabs in the world.
  • You could find them in Andaman.
  • Every year, tens of thousands of butterflies flock to Andaman Island.
  • The locals are very happy to welcome butterfly species that are on their way north or south.
  • There have also been stamps made to remember the event.
  • The Islands are where the largest sea turtles in the world come to lay their eggs.

Youtube user “The Vibe” gives a drone’s eye view of the Islands.

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