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Image depicting India-United Arab Emirates Trade Agreement

India-United Arab Emirates Trade Agreement!


Recommended for Middle Grades

India and the United Arab Emirates are BFFs now because they just signed a super duper trade agreement! It’s a big deal because they’re trying to buy and sell even more stuff between their two countries.

We’re talking about a whopping $100 billion worth of trade over the next five years. That’s enough money to buy all the ice cream you could ever want! So get ready to see more cool things from India and the UAE popping up in each other’s stores.

Important Details

  • First off, let’s talk about what’s included in this agreement. It’s not just about money – it’s about working together in lots of different areas to make things better for everyone. This includes things like the economy (that’s all the money stuff), climate change (that’s making sure we don’t hurt the planet), industries (that’s things like factories and businesses), advanced technologies (that’s all the cool gadgets and machines), and even education (that’s making sure people learn cool stuff).
  • But wait, there’s more! This agreement also means that there will be fewer taxes (called tariffs) when we trade things between India and the UAE. That means it’ll be easier and cheaper to sell things like clothes, electronics, and food between the two countries. And get this – almost 90% of things that India sells to the UAE will now be tax-free! That’s a lot of money saved for both countries.
  • But the coolest part of this agreement is that India is going to help the UAE make even more cool gadgets and machines by setting up an Indian Institute of Technology in the UAE. This is a really big deal because it’s the first time ever that an IIT has been created outside of India! So, if you’re a tech whiz-kid, maybe one day you could even study at this new IIT in the UAE.
  • So, there you have it – a super cool trade agreement between India and the UAE that’s going to make life better for everyone. Let’s give a big high-five to the leaders of both countries who signed the agreement virtually (that means they did it on a computer!) and made it all possible. Way to go, guys!

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