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Indian businesses increase in the United Kingdom


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Indian busiensses that are operating in the United Kingdom have increased in the past year to 900.  Also, there is a hike in the revenues and jobs.

The report of the 2022 India meets Britain Tracker was launched on Thursday. It revealed that Indian companies have seen remarkable growth in the past year.

This growth of India has benefitted the world and also the United Kingdom as well. The relationship between India and UK is defined by the people, mutual investment and trade. The India-UK free trade agreement will also define the relationship between the two countries.

India meets Britain Tracker

The tracker is released by professional services firm Grant Thornton and the confederation of Indian Industry (CII) to analyse the contribution of Indian businesses to the economy of the United Kingdom. This year, it has released its ninth edition.

The pandemic has been challenging to everyone around the globe, but Indian businesses have succeeded in expanding their revenues and increasing the number of jobs in the UK.

This tracker also identifies the fastest-growing Indian companies in Britain with a revenue of more than 5 million pounds in the UK.

India-UK free trade agreement (FTA)

Recently, British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson visited India. The two countries discussed the trade pact between India and UAE.

Once the FTA is signed, the two countries will become partners, paving the way to a strong economic relationship. This agreement will benefit both the countries and will bring on new opportunities for businesses in the UK and India.

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