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India’s 10 richest billionaires can fund for children education


Recommended for Middle Grades

India’s 10 richest billionaires can fund education for all children.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Indian billionaires have only seen their fortunes double. The top-10 billionaires can help in funding education for all children for the next 25 years.

The Indian billionaires own around 719 million US dollars. Now, you must be thinking that how will they use this money?

Well, the billionaires need to live for the next  84 years to spend all the fortune that they own. That’s interesting, isn’t it?

Fund Children’s Education

The report by Oxfam India said that the billionaires should fund children’s education. It will help the needy children who can’t afford to study.

What do you know about Oxfam India?

Oxfam India is a non-profit organization that works to support child education and fights against equality.

Oxfam India has released the report and calls the government to redistribute India’s wealth from the billionaires. They should introduce the wealth tax and the billionaires should be asked to invest in education and health.

The report suggests 1 per cent of tax on the wealth of the billionaires can fund the annual expenditures of the school education department. In the same way, 4% tax can fund the schemes like POSHAN Abhiyaan and National Creche Scheme for the next 10 years.

It all depends on how wealthy people utilize their money. Though the government has its own way, thinking through the ways that the Oxfam reports suggest, can improve the education system of India.

We at Curious Times hope that the billionaires put their money to good use.

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