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Image depicitng INS Vagsheer

INS Vagsheer: India’s 6th Scorpene Submarine


Recommended for Middle Grades


Submarine INS Vagsheer launches in Mumbai

India’s defence secretary, Ajay Kumar launched INS Vagsheer. It is India’s 6th Scorpene Submarine. INS Vagsheer is launched under Project-75 at Mazagon Dock in Mumbai.

Submarines are watercraft that are able to operate independently underwater. It is designed to operate with all the tools and equipment that are needed in the naval task force.

INS Vagsheer

Vagsheer is named after the sandfish which is a deep-sea predator of the Indian ocean. The first submarine was commissioned into the Indian Navy on 26th December 1974. It remained in service for almost 3 decades.

What are Scorpene class submarines?

The Scorpène-class submarines are a class of diesel-electric attack submarines.

The Mazagon Dock has delivered five Scorpene submarines under the project to Indian Navy:

  • INS Kalvari
  • INS Khanderi
  • INS Karanj
  • INS Vela
  • INS Vagir

INS Vaghsheer will join the Indian Navy within 12-18 months after sea trials. The submarine will now set the various equipment and begin its harbour trials. After multiple trials, the INS Vagsheer will be delivered to the Navy by the next year.

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