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Image depicting Jellyfish washes up on beach with fish stuck inside it

Jellyfish washes up on beach with fish stuck inside it


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A dead jellyfish recently washed up on a beach in the UK. But what was weird about it? It has a whole fish inside its stomach!

A local photographer named Ian Watkin spotted the amazing sight when he was walking his dog in Cornwall, England on 4 August.

The jellyfish is a type called the compass jellyfish. Its name comes from its brown, V-shaped markings that look like the lines on a compass. Compass jellyfish are commonly spotted in British waters between May to October. They feed on small fish and crabs, as well as other jellyfish. Their sting can be very painful to humans too.

What must have happened

Scientists say that juvenile (young) fish can sometimes seek shelter within the tentacles of jellyfish, for protection from danger. However, in this case, it seems something went wrong. The jellyfish stung the fish and it died. The jellyfish would have slowly eaten the fish but it also got washed up on the beach and died.


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