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Join in ‘Meri Maati Mera Desh!’


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hello there, aspiring learner! Get ready for a super exciting and touching story about a fantastic event called “Meri Maati Mera Desh” happening in August!

So, there’s this special campaign planned by the government to celebrate 75 years of Indian Independence, and it’s going to be awesome! They’re creating something magical called the “Amrit Vatika” in Delhi, and guess what? They’re using soil from all over the country to make it!

Amrit Vatika: Celebrating Freedom!

  • Okay, here’s the scoop: the “Meri Maati Mera Desh” campaign is part of the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” celebration. That’s a big word, right? But don’t worry, it just means they’re celebrating 75 years of India being free! The campaign will have events happening at different levels, like in villages, towns, and even the whole country!
  • Now, the main attraction is this special garden, the “Amrit Vatika,” which will be built along the Kartavya Path in Delhi. But hold on, it’s not just any ordinary garden. They’re going to plant special plants and trees that are native to India, and it’s going to be absolutely beautiful!
  • Inference: You know what’s super cool? They’re going to honor some really amazing people during this campaign. They want to pay tribute to the brave freedom fighters, defense personnel, and police officers who sacrificed their lives for our country. They’re going to put up plaques with their names to remember them forever.
  • Oh, and that’s not all! People will take a serious promise at the memorial site, promising to always love and protect their country. Plus, they’re also planning to plant 75 saplings of special trees in every village! That’s a lot of trees!
  • The “Meri Maati Mera Desh” campaign is going to be an unforgettable journey filled with love for our country. It’s a way to remember and thank all the heroes who made India what it is today.
  • From the beautiful Amrit Vatika to the heartfelt ceremonies, it’s going to be a time of joy and respect for our nation’s roots. So, get ready to celebrate and make our country even more amazing with this magical event! Let’s show our love and gratitude for India together! Yay!

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