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Image depicting Keeping the past alive on Kangra Valley railway!

Keeping the past alive on Kangra Valley railway!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Kangra Valley Railway is a historic railway line! It runs through the beautiful Kangra Valley in India. But did you know that some people believe that the railway is haunted?

It is a fascinating piece of history that has captured the imagination of many with its tales of hauntings.

Whether these stories are true or not, one thing is for sure – the railway is a vital part of the region’s transportation system. And a must-see for anyone visiting the area.

Important Details

  • According to local legends, the railway was built on top of an ancient burial ground.
  • And the spirits of those buried there are said to haunt the trains and stations.
  • Many people have reported strange occurrences.
  • Such as the sound of footsteps and voices when no one is around, and even seeing ghostly figures on the trains.
  • Despite these spooky stories, the Kangra Valley Railway is still an important part of the region’s transportation system.
  • It was built over a century ago and is one of the few remaining narrow-gauge railways in India.
  • The railway has stunning views of the valley and passes through many small towns and villages.

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Watch a video

The Youtube Channel “Kangra Valley Railway” gives us a virtual tour of the Kangra Valley Railway station.

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