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Image depicting King Charles III to have two birthdays, swans and more!

King Charles III to have two birthdays, swans and more!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The common people have always been interested in and curious about the Royal Family. This is probably never going to change.  Behind this privacy curtain, you can find some strange and interesting facts about the royal family.

King Charles’ mother, Queen Elizabeth II, had two birthdays: her actual birthday was on April 21, and it was a public celebration. Her actual birthday was on April 21, and it was a private celebration.

Her official public celebration was on the second Tuesday in June, which is when the summer weather tends to be better for outdoor parades.

Here is a list of some interesting and, at times, puzzling facts about the royal family.

Puzzling Facts!

  • When King Charles III travels outside of the country, he does not have to bring a passport with him.
  • Because the official paper is made under his name.
  • He is also the only person in the country who can drive a car without a driver’s licence.
  • Since the 12th century, mute swans in open water in England or Wales that aren’t marked are thought to belong to the monarch.
  • The Queen of Great Britain can’t vote or run for office because she doesn’t have the right to do so.
  • As the leader of the country, he or she has to stay politically neutral at all times.
  • In Britain, poet laureates are chosen every ten years, and one of their jobs is to write poems for the Queen.
  • Warrants are prestigious honours that businesspeople get for giving monarch goods and services on a regular basis. These warrants tend to increase sales.
  • Several companies, like Cadbury, Jaguar Cars, and Land Rover amongst others, have a royal warrant.

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