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Image depicting Lahaul valley experiencing unusually high temperatures!

Lahaul valley experiencing unusually high temperatures!


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Lahaul is a snow-covered mountainous region in Himachal Pradesh. The Lahaul region primarily exports agricultural products. The farmers derive their revenues from the delivery of vegetables.

In Himachal Pradesh, the Lahaul region is experiencing record-breaking temperatures this year, which is threatening to harm the region’s agricultural production and traditional way of life.

Fundamental issues caused by minimal-low snowfall!

  • The Lahaul region has been experiencing a period of low-minimal snowfall for the past few years. The farmers depend on the glaciers to supply irrigation water. Because of the low snowfall, they are all drying up.
  • The farmers fear that if the climate continues to trend in this manner, Lahaul’s agriculture will be permanently altered.
  • In addition, as per experts, Lahaul is on the verge of becoming a climate calamity hot spot. One of the main reasons shared is the limited water supply is becoming contaminated with pesticides and other contaminants.
  • As per the farmers, there are also emerging diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart difficulties. The farmers believe that people are evolving in response to the climate.
  • This is degrading the soil, and agri-chemicals are contributing to the global warming crisis.
  • The farmers also fear that if no action is taken now, then the area will run out of water. Eventually, farmers would have to leave and find jobs in other areas.



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