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Image depicting largest dinosaur skeleton

Largest dinosaur skeleton is up for sale


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Would you like to own the largest dinosaur skeleton?

One of the world’s largest and most complete Tyrannosaurus rex (T.rex) skeletons is up for sale.

The T.rex is named Stan after Stan Sacrison, the palaeontologist who first discovered his bones. A palaeontologist is a scientist who studies fossils (ancient bones).

Stan lived on Earth around 67 million years ago. Stan is 13 feet high and 40 feet long, including his tail.

The skeleton is made up of 188 bones, making it one of the largest and most complete T. rex skeletons in the world.

When he was alive, Stan would have been twice as heavy as an African elephant. His longest teeth measure more than 11 inches.

Stan’s bones were first found in the US in 1987. But it was only in 1992 that the bones were identified as belonging to a T.rex.

Stan will now be sold at an auction at Christie’s auction house in New York, US, in October 2020. An auction is a sale where an item is sold to the person who offers the most money.

Visitors to Christie’s can see the skeleton up close before the sale in October. The largest dinosaur skeleton is expected to be sold for around US$6 million-$8 million.

Here is a video of Stan the T.rex:

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