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Lonar Lake in Maharashtra is declared protected site


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

We have earlier read about the Lonar Lake in Maharashtra which turned pink in colour. This is a lake formed after a meteorite hit Earth around 50,000 years ago. It is the only crater lake in India.

Recently, Lonar Lake as well as Sur Sarovar (or Keetham Lake) in Agra, Uttar Pradesh have been named wetlands of international importance under the Ramsar Convention.

A wetland is an area of land that is flooded by water, either permanently or seasonally. Wetlands are important places that support many water and land animals.

What is the Ramsar Convention?

The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands is an inter-governmental treaty (agreement) that aims to protect wetlands and wisely use them and their resources.

It was originally signed in 1975 in the city of Ramsar in Iran. India joined it in 1982.

There are currently over 2400 Ramsar-protected sites in the world. They cover over 2.5 million square kilometres, an area larger than Mexico. The most number of sites is in the UK.

With the latest two additions, India now has 41 sites in the country which are recognised under the Ramsar Convention.

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